Hello! I’m Chastiny, and I’ve been freelancing as a writer since 2016. My mission is to find the best possible messaging for your goals and your audience. That way, your marketing efforts have maximum impact with minimal stress.
Over the years, I’ve worked on a wide variety of projects. Website copy, email campaigns, and flyers. Video scripts, manuscripts. And more.
Here’s the most important thing I’ve learned: the right words mean nothing if you say them to the wrong person.
So, no matter the project, my first task is to understand your target audience. Then I can write a message that connects your goals with theirs.
Ready to take your marketing to the next level? Send me an email for your free project consultation.
And a little more about me, in case you’re curious: I love Jesus and my church home. In my free time, I sing and dance in my apartment, play video games, and hang out with friends and family. I’m a two-time lip sync battle champion. And I collect fallen flowers to dry them on top of my refrigerator. It’s starting to look like a garden up there.