About Me

Hi—I’m Chastiny! I'm a freelance writer and editor with a passion for clear and engaging communication. When I got my bachelor’s degree in English ten years ago, I knew I wanted to write novels someday, but I never thought about writing as a career beyond that. A few years later, I started doing some writing and editing on the side and realized I loved being my own boss and helping clients create messages that people would actually stop and read. In today's information overload, it can be a challenge to be heard! But I love a good challenge.

Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of working on a wide variety of projects, from website copy and press releases to email campaigns and video scripts. I've even worked on some book and curriculum manuscripts. You can view samples of the type of work I do here, but if you have a project in mind that’s not on the list—feel free to reach out! If it's something I can't do, I might know someone who can.

When I’m not working for a client, I’m currently writing a memoir about health struggles I've had over the past nine years. I also enjoy thrift shopping, live music, hanging out at the lake, and exploring the thousands of restaurants, taprooms, and ice cream parlors that populate the DFW metroplex.

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