You know what you want to say.

But do you know how to say it?

Why hire a writer/editor?

Anyone can write, right? Sure, but written communication is a tricky thing. You lose the facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice that you use in person, so it's all up to a bunch of little typed squiggles to convey all of that meaning. What's worse is that there's an overload of information competing for your reader's attention, so what you're saying really needs to stand out as worth reading.

That's where I come in! I take what you've written and turn it into something that really shines. And if you haven't written anything yet? No problem. If you just sort of know what you want to say, I can take care of the rest.


Chastiny is a fantastic resource for the writing, editing, and proofreading of blogs, press releases, bios and a wide range of collateral and materials. She delivers on time and in our brand voice and personality (sometimes quirky, sometimes serious). I have no doubt you, too, will be pleased with her results.

Charlie Lewis

Communications Director,


I continue to call on Chastiny. Why? She’s so knowledgeable about words, about shaping words, and about flow of words. I suspect she loves their sound, their shape and how you line them up. She’s a person who doesn’t do her work as a job but because she was made to work with words. She also knows a great deal about how words should be managed—the latest ways to distribute them and to target them to a specific reader. She has both written and edited material for our media group—and we couldn’t be happier!

Jan Shober

Having Chastiny edit our material was phenomenal! She completed the work in a timely manner, making it possible for us to meet our deadline. Her comments, insights, and feedback were invaluable to the final product being of exceptional quality. She made the entire process so easy by using an editing tool that was user-friendly. I definitely hope to work with her again!

Schalee Sánchez

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